Computer Hardware & Software
Supporting Apple, Linux, Windows
We swing three ways and feel that each of the three major platforms is best for particular tasks or functions. We are expert in current versions of Apple Macintosh, Linux and Windows, and strive to educate our customers in which platform may be best for their needs.
Why use a Mac:
If you've become comfortable with other Apple devices, such as the iPod, iPad or iPhone,
and aren't overly dependant upon Microsoft technology, then a Macintosh computer running the OS X operating system should work well for you.
If you work with multimedia development, such as music or video, the Mac has a well developed and cohesive
set of tools, and is the preferred platform for multimedia professionals such as musicians and video editors.
Macs are more expensive, it's like driving a Porsche.
Why use Windows:
Because your boss tells you to! ;-) Also if you work in an industry that has chosen Microsoft as the document and communications standard,
or if you have a need to run a program that only runs on Windows. Examples might be a program to run an embroidery machine, or a game.
With virtualization technology, it is common to run Windows within Mac or Linux, a solution which facilitates flexibilty.
Why use Linux:
If you are running most of your data in the cloud, and all you really need is a solid web browser
and a few local tools to work with standard document formats, then Linux will work well for you.
Linux for the desktop has arrived.
Linux works very well for file servers, because it's very simple and solid, as well as being open source,
which means there are no licensing issues. You can run as many users on as many machines as you want, and the software is free.
DSI supports Ubuntu Linux and advocates open source technology solutions.